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Client Services

Kimberly S. Chaney CPA LLC, bringing more than compliance to the table.

So many aspects of your business affect your bottom line. It’s about planning. It’s about staffing. It’s about Uncle Sam. You can’t ignore any of them. Kim Chaney looks at the big picture of your financial operation, asking the right questions and providing sound services and advice in areas such as:

calculatorPenCash Flow
Shortening cash collection cycle, using cash management tools, establishing systems for accounts receivable.

Making budget plans living, breathing, changing documents. Not just expenses, but revenues. Flexibility is key.

Tax Compliance
Setting up a simple, automated system that doesn’t burn time, energy and money. Accuracy and compliance knowledge are important.

Job Duties/Organizational Structure
Assessing what positions are needed, determining chain of command, then evaluating candidates. Developing a standardized, simple to use evaluation process.

Proposal Prep
Creating bank proposals that sell. Incorporating marketing and integrity that put your business in a winning position.

Forensic Accounting
Providing assistance to attorneys and their clients in the accumulation and analysis of financial data.

For those clients who do not have the time or the staff to record transactions within the company. Payroll services are also available.

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